Water Rates

Click Here to view Water Rates

The DSS Board meets the 4th Tuesday of each month at 9:00AM  at the Tyrrell County Department of Social Services at 102 N Road St in Columbia, NC.


Click Here to view the Tyrrell County Public Notice from 4/29/24


Click Here to view the Proposed Settlement of Franklin et al. v. Kinsley


Low Income Energy Assistance Block Grant Information:



The following is a centralized email address for NON-MAGI Beneficiaries to complete renewals and submit verifications to Tyrrell County Department of Social Services. 

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


 For the safety of staff and the community, Tyrrell County Department of Social Services(TCDSS) has adjusted some operational procedures. The face-to-face requirements for many Social Services’ programs have been waived. Also, Food and Nutrition Services (FNS) cases are being automatically extended by the State DSS for 6-12 months, depending on the current certification period. Medicaid cases are NOT being terminated unless a client moves out of state or requests that the Medicaid be terminated. If you have had any changes, including income changes, please contact your TCDSS worker by phone to update. NC residents in need, and not currently receiving Medicaid or FNS benefits, can apply on ePASS.nc.gov or by completing a mail-in application. Applications are available at the agency or one can be mailed to you. All procedures are subject to change at any time, depending on the direction of our County Leaders and The Department of Health and Human Services. Please contact TCDSS at 252-796-3421 with any questions or to speak with a staff member.



This past winter, Tyrrell County Department of Social Services (TCDSS) assisted over 70 households with an elderly person to receive heating assistance through the Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP).  LIEAP is a 100% federally funded program.  Those same LIEAP approved households can expect to receive a one-time supplement payment paid directly to the household’s primary heating vendor.  The one-time supplements are a result of excess LIEAP funds that were not utilized in NC during the LIEAP season.  The supplement amounts will be based on household size and approved LIEAP benefit amounts.  A notice will be mailed from DHHS to households informing them of the supplement payment.  There is NO application process and only approved LIEAP households from this past winter will receive the automatic supplement.  Clients can expect their primary heating vendor to receive and process the payment or credit by June.  Please wait until mid-June to reach out to Dominion, Crossroads, Ferrell or Amerigas to verify payment or credit.


COVID-19: Food and Nutrition Services


Pandemic EBT benefits for Families with Free or Reduced Lunch


Food and Nutrition Services Participants Can Now Use Benefits At Authorized Online EBT Retailers


PEBT - August/September 2020



“Welcome to ePASS” Video

As a reminder, the new “Welcome to ePASS” video is now available on the NCDHHS website. This video introduces North Carolinians to the NC ePASS user experience and provides instruction on how applicants can establish an account, navigate the website, and take advantage of features designed to help them manage their benefits. If your county includes the previous ePASS video on your county’s website, please make sure that it is updated with the new “Welcome to ePASS” video. The video can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wsjgM6fy2Ho&feature=youtu.be [youtube.com]

If you have any questions please contact your P14.2 County Readiness Liaison.



Water/Sewer Bill


Click to Pay Your Bill Now


Click here to pay Taxes & Permits


Bill Payment

Tyrrell County offers a wide variety of convenient payment options for our customers. Simply choose
the option that best suits your needs.

SAVE some time - Pay Your Bill Online

Tyrrell County is pleased to offer our customers the convenience of online bill payment. We accept Visa,
Mastercard, Discover, and American Express. Simply click the link at the bottom of the page and you will be taken to our secure bill payment portal. On MyGovHub you can make a one-time payment by clicking “Try QuickPay” or you can create a profile which will allow you to access, view, and pay your bills online 24/7. Your account balance will be updated within moments to reflect your payment. You may choose to Go Paperless and receive ebill notifications and you can manage multiple accounts within your profile. Detailed payment and water usage history are also available. There is a convenience fee associated with paying your bill by credit/debit card of 3.5% per transaction.  Please note that Tyrrell County Utilities does not receive the money for this convenience fee that is collected by the credit card processing company.
Payment By Phone
The phone number for payments is 1-252-796-1371. There is a convenience fee associated with paying your bill by credit/debit card of 3.5% per transaction.  Please note that Tyrrell County Utilities does not receive the money for this convenience fee that is collected by the credit card processing company.
Payment By Mail
If paying by check or money order through the mail, please send all payments with your payment coupon. To avoid late fees, please mail your payment at least five to seven business days before the due date specified on your bill.


Payment Address:

Tyrrell County Utilities 

PO Box 449 

Columbia NC  27925

Payment at our Office Location
You may pay your bill in person at our office address. We accept cash, check, money orders, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express. There is a convenience fee associated with paying your bill by credit/debit card of 3.5% per transaction.  Please note that Tyrrell County Utilities does not receive the money for this convenience fee that is collected by the credit card processing company.

Payment Drop Box
A payment drop box is available for your convenience and contactless service. Please include your payment in an envelope along with your payment coupon. The payment drop box is located on the outside wall just to the right of the Utilities Department entrance door. Your payments will be posted the same day received if during normal business hours or the next business day if after hours.
Payment Through Financial Institution Online Bill Pay
Many financial institutions such as major banks offer their customers the ability to pay their bills via an online bill payment service (through your bank's website). Normally, these services debit the customer's checking or savings account to pay the bill. Depending on the financial institution, they may or may not charge a fee for the service. Payments may take up to seven business days to post to the customer's account. Please consult with your bank for more information.
Payment by Credit Card in the Office
Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express are accepted in the Utilities Department office during normal business hours.  There is a convenience fee associated with paying your bill by credit/debit card of 3.5% per transaction.  Please note that Tyrrell County Utilities does not receive the money for this convenience fee that is collected by the credit card processing company.
Click to Pay Your Bill Now




Property Revaluation


  Property Revaluation Information














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